Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What is my belief System?

As in the constitution of United States, I believe, all men (includes women too) are created equal.  In most cases it is the situation and just by being in the right place at the right time is what sets one apart from the other.  That is not to say, some have skills, abilities, education, experience and attitude sets them apart but, in the eye of the creator, all are equal.  In this day and age what we need is mutual respect.  Playing prejudice, race, religion and other forms of identities are thing of the past.  We should move beyond one's one misconception and strive to recognize every individual as who they're. At the end of the day, that's what makes us human beings.

It is very important for businesses to drive KPIs that drive business results but, it shouldn't be fogotten that underneathe all, there are real people with real feelings.  I pay particular attention to the aspect of Oneness when I hire people.  Diversity is very important at work place but, at the same time, Unity in diversity is equally important.

Caring and sharing should be part of the culture.  If everyone starts advancing their personal agendas, there are real people out there get hurt.  Yes, it is important that every individual, department and the company should have a plan but, it shouldn't be forgotten that we deal with people every day.

My Guru, Bhaghavan Sathya Sai Baba says, "Love All - Serve All", "Help Ever - Hurt - Never".  This fundamental message is the bondage that binds all of us together.  If everyone embrace these principles, where is the room of hate, greed, personal agendas or discrimination in this world.  The message is simple, we don't really need to complicate it.  Just show compassion towards everyone you come across every day.  Mahatma Gandhi said, "If you get slapped on one cheek, turn the other cheek", never retaliate, the enemy has no one to fight if he can't pick the fight.  Gandhi stood for Peace and Non-Violence.  My Guru, Bhaghavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba stands for five key human Values vis-a-vis, LOVE, PEACE, NON-VIOLENCE, TRUTH AND RIGHT CONDUCT.  If everyone loves everone else, where is the room for hate?  Just think about it!

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